Huge Discount Code offered by Cruising Match
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Use this code at checkout on the “cruising” level: CruisingLove
You recieve 50% OFF with this discount code. So for only $4.50 /mo you will have full access to forums, members profiles, and groups on the site. For your pleasure, get a glass, put up your feet and enjoy your favorite beverage while sharing your unique adventures and personality on site. Go to membership levels and choose “cruising” level now. Upload your profile photo when activating your membership and try out your very own page! Cancel at any time- but why would you? Even after you meet your sailmate you will still find crew, cooks or freinds here.
Let your freinds know. Gift them the Code

meeting up with a discount code
Many lovers of ocean or water life want this site to grow in numbers and this discount is for them and you. Those who are interested in meeting crew or mates, whether boaters or enthusiastic water lovers, will want to get on board. Sharing this with them will be a gift from you. Lets make this select but big! The site was built for water lovers and is encripted for high security. Member profiles, forums and groups are there for sharing your experiences and for meeting others who are interested. It is a high tech site built for us and which we support for our own enjoyment “use it or loose it.” Encourage freinds to join free, post their photos OR offer this discount to them so that they can get talking and sharing with a like-minded group.
The discount code: CruisingLove is good for one year of complete interaction on cruisingmatch.
You will be well recieved when you let others know who you are and share your cruising experiences . Love and freinds await. Make freinds with everyone on the site. Let them know who you are and find the best sailmate for you.